As a patient, you have the right to expect that your health provider will provide…
- Ethical conduct of practice
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Compliance with the Ontario regulations, guidelines and standards of practice as it pertains to the health provider you are being treated by
- Respectful, honest and clear communication in ALL aspects of care
- Relevant, safe, and supportive patient-centered care
- Accurate and comprehensive records
- Timely and relevant communication and/or referrals to other professionals
- Full disclosure of the clinics policies, procedures and fees as it pertains to your individual case
As a patient, your responsibilities to your health provider are to provide…
- Honest, accurate and full disclosure of all pertinent health information
- A cooperative commitment to your treatment plan
- Constructive feedback (positive/negative) regarding all aspects of care
- Compliance with clinic policies, procedures and fees
- Courtesy and respect for the clinic environment, staff, and other patients
- Up-to-date contact and insurance information